Wasp Nest Removal Cornwall & Devon

Professional Wasp Nest removal Cornwall & Devon.

Wasps Nests begin to form from late April to early May and can be found in numerous locations, both indoors and outside, provided the chosen Nest location is relatively protected from the elements the Nests may be found almost anywhere.

Wasps have few natural enemies and with the exception of Badgers the Wasps Nest is generally a safe haven. In rural or countryside locations, where, as will commonly happen, the Wasp Nest is built below ground level in an enlarged cavern or not very high above ground level, in a hedge, bank or low level tree cavity, Badgers are capable and readily willing to dig out or break open the Wasps Nest to feed on the Wasp Grubs inside.

Wasps Nests grow at a fast pace and by July can be sizable containing several hundred individual insects. If not dealt with the Nests continue to grow and by late Autumn may contain maybe a thousand or more Wasps. Nests must be located and fumigated with suitable chemical agent, most commonly a dust formular agent.

Professional treatment strongly recommended.

Call 07867 693527 for a free inspection for Wasp Nest removal Cornwall.

wasp nest removal cornwall

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