Badger Control Cornwall

Badgers are protected under law (The Protection of Badger Act 1992) and further by (The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981). The interfering with Badgers in any way, the disturbing of Badgers Setts or any part of the Sett and to some extent the hindering of a Badgers activities or comings and goings is, unless under license, an illegal act. To carry out any of the above mentioned would highly likely result in criminal prosecution to which the penalties can be severe.

badger control cornwall

Nevertheless, Badgers can be of issue to not only farmers but golf courses and in some cases private house holders as well. Whilst Badgers are afforded substantial protection under law there are still certain limited measures that are permissible. Land owners or occupiers of land are permitted to have Land or Badger Sett surveys carried out on their land to ascertain the levels of Badger activity that are present. Land owners or occupies are entitled to conduct such surveys themselves or to employ a knowledgeable person to carry out the survey for them. The likely importance of such Land or Badger Sett surveys would in all probability be of most interest to farmers or land occupiers that may be involved in or who might be considering becoming involved with the current disease control measures that are in place and are conducted by the relevant licensing authority. Land or Badger Sett surveys are carried out to gain an insight into the levels and whereabouts of Badgers and their activities on land parcels. Such information would be relevant and acted upon in the interests of disease control within cattle herds.
As someone with decades of experience of interaction with Badgers and their activities, Neil is a person that is well placed and suited to carry out such survey work. With a deep knowledge and understanding of Badgers and having worked as a government recognized and approved wildlife management control trainer he is able to carryout detailed and precise surveys to meet the required needs. Land or Badger Sett surveys would include, full land coverage, Badger Sett detection, Sett classification, territorial boundary locations between different Badger social groups, runs and latrine locations, feeding patterns, Badger population density advised upon, precise and detailed maps drawn up and where applicable advise and guidance given on disease control measures. It must be noted that any direct action taken against Badgers, unless under license, would be contrary to law and likely to be subject to prosecution.

Land or badger sett surveys: To be quoted per job.

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