Mole Catcher and Control in Cornwall and Devon

With over 30 years of experience as a professional Mole Catcher, Neil, at Dead Cert Pest Control is well respected as a Mole Clearance expert, capable of dealing with whatever scale of problem the Mole infestation may be. From Garden to Farm, from Small Paddocks to Country Estate, your Mole problems will be dealt with.

Mole clearance (small area eg. gardens, small paddocks or fields): From £80.00

Agricultural mole clearance (farmland up to 500 acres): £599.00 + V.A.T.

Moles are everywhere. In gardens, on parks and sportsgrounds, golf courses, farmland and country estates. In fact with the exception of town or city centres its difficult to find somewhere that will not have Mole infestation close to hand. The poisoning of Moles by way of Strychnine Poisoning was out lawed in 2005/2006. There are currently two recognized suitable methods of dealing with Mole infestation problems. 1. By way of Gassing with Aluminium Phosphate Gas Pellets and 2. by way of Trapping with the use of under ground Mole Traps. The Gassing of Moles can be both expensive and somewhat hit or miss as far as effective results are concerned as the Gas Pellets are susceptible to not work well in dry conditions. The Trapping of Moles is deemed more reliable as this method is reliant only upon the expertise of the trapper.

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24/7 service
Quick Response
FREE initial consultation provided
Discreet, affordable service
Professional grade treatments employed
30 years’ experience
50 mile coverage area